Thursday, February 7, 2008

Marching Powder- Rusty Young and Thomas McFadden

An amazing true story of a British drug trafficker arrested in Bolivia. He was assigned to San Pedro prison in La Paz where inmates lead nearly normal lives. Wives and children are allowed to stay the night with their husbands/fathers and leave the prison at will. Inmates are required to buy their own prison cells which more resemble apartments.

San Pedro prison is also where some of the best cocaine is manufactured. The narrator, Thomas, describes it all in detail. He also talks about how he fell into becoming a tour guide for the prison which was listed in Lonely Planet as a place to see. It was an absolutely fascinating book and a quick read. Definitely something I wasn’t ashamed to be caught reading at the airport.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really liked this book, there are a whole mix of moments ranging from the wild to the compassionate. Apparently, Brad Pitt's company are working on putting together a Marching Powder film, so it'll be interesting to see whether or not it lives up to the ethos of the book.