Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dispatches From A Not-So-Perfect Life- Faulkner Fox

Yawn….It’s not to say that life for a woman with a husband, child and house isn’t interesting because I’m sure it is, but this woman’s story was booooring. She talked about how she and her feminist husband had made a plan where they would equally share childcare and household responsibilities, but the reality was actually quite different. She was still doing the lion’s share of the house cleaning and childcare (to the point that she started making a miles plan for all the work she did to earn herself a break). She goes back and forth a million times trying to figure out why and how this happened. I think she determined that it was mostly her fault for not being more greedy with her time because she was a freelance writer who worked from home and felt guilty choosing her work over her family. Even though I couldn’t relate to this woman’s story on any level, I do think I gained insight into the lives of some of my friends and understand a little more what they’re going through. Now if they could only understand what it’s like to be a single, dating woman in her late 20’s we might just have something to talk about.

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